Laser is not harmful if you choose a licensed skin care provider who works with medically certified equipment. Therein lies also immediately the problem. Unfortunately, we regularly see and hear stories of clients who are dissatisfied with a previous laser treatment or who have even suffered skin damage as a result. Because of current laws and regulations, anyone can currently buy a laser device and perform treatments with it without or with minimal training. This creates a proliferation of clinics working with unqualified staff and uncertified equipment. To the question “is laser surgery harmful?” the answer is no, provided you choose medically trained certified skin professionals such as the skin therapists at The Laser Clinic. Only then is completely safe lasering possible and you achieve the most beautiful results.

Dermatologists and skin therapists have been fighting for at least six years to make laser therapy safer. In our view, it is desirable to amend the law to better protect consumers. A proposal is currently before the House of Representatives to amend the BIG law so that a doctor or skin therapist must always be responsible for laser treatment

For consumers, it is currently difficult to choose the right practitioner. A skin therapist, beautician or a dermatologist all specialize in the skin. The largest organ of our body. In this article, I will tell you what a skin therapist is and the differences in treatment compared to other skin professionals. I also explain who to go to for what and what to look out for when choosing a safe practitioner.

Our explicit advice is: be discerning about who you are getting treatment from and ask if the equipment has medical CE approval and is FDA-approved. After all, you only have one skin!

What is the difference between a skin therapist, beautician and dermatologist?

There are several professions specializing in the skin, our largest organ. The most striking differences between a skin therapist, a beautician and a dermatologist are: level of education and knowledge, whether or not the title is protected, competence, (reserved) actions, quality requirements and specializations.

A beautician primarily cares for healthy skin. A dermatologist is a medical specialist (dermatologist) in skin, nail and hair problems. You can make an appointment by referral only. A dermatologist’s official name is dermatologist-venereologist because in addition to the skin, the dermatologist also focuses on the appendages, mucous membranes, vascular system and venereal diseases. A skin therapist is a paramedic (may perform medical treatments, but is not a doctor) who is directly accessible for medical and cosmetic skin and laser treatments.

Education and title

A beautician has completed a three-year MBO level 3 or 4 education. Beauticians sometimes also use the title dermatologist but this is not a protected title.*

A dermatologist has completed a six-year university medical degree, followed by a five-year specialty in dermatology. This title is protected.*

A skin therapist has completed a four-year bachelor’s degree in hbo Skin Therapy. Usually the prior education is conclusive to this study, for example, an MBO physician assistant or beautician training. The title “skin therapist” is a protected title.*

*Title protection is legal protection to use a professional title. A person who is not qualified may not hold the title; this is punishable. By obtaining the diploma and maintaining knowledge and skills, found within a public quality registry, you can verify that your practitioner has a protected title and meets strict quality standards.


Because the field is incredibly broad, most skin care providers choose to specialize. This is very positive because as a consumer, you then know that your practitioner, in addition to having the proper training and knowledge, also has the experience to help you get the best skin care.

Beauticians usually offer a wide range of relaxing and beautifying skin treatments. Beauticians can specialize by taking additional training and courses.

Dermatologists specialize in areas such as: skin cancer, vascular disorders, venereal diseases, allergology, pediatric dermatology, pathology, edema care or hydradenitis.

Skin therapists are trained in edema therapy, skin therapy and laser therapy. After training, most skin therapists choose to further specialize by seeking more in-depth training. For example, in medical treatments such as edema therapy and wound care or in the other direction toward skin therapy and laser therapy. From the basics, all treatments are medical treatments. At The Laser Clinic, we fully specialize in skin therapy and laser therapy.

Legislation (BIG)

Beauticians are not covered by the BIG law. Most certified beauticians do have registered with the professional association ANBOS. Recently, a registry was created to keep track of additional continuing education. (the SKIN registry)

Dermatologists are physicians and licensed to perform reserved procedures. Competent and competent within the law BIG article 3. This means that doctors are allowed to perform reserved procedures that skin therapists and beauticians are not allowed to do. Making diagnoses, prescribing medication, performing surgical procedures and referring are examples. Article 3 professions are subject to statutory disciplinary law.

Skin therapists are also covered by the BIG Act under Article 34. To retain the title, you must complete sufficient continuing education annually. This is regulated within the quality register of paramedics (KP register). This is where you can look up your paramedical care provider. Section 34 professions are not subject to statutory disciplinary law.

The Laser Clinic meets all requirements

At The Laser Clinic, we take it for granted that you will always be treated by an experienced quality-registered skin therapist with extensive experience. All equipment has FDA and medical CE approval. We work exclusively with a focus on quality. You are in safe hands with us.


We believe in the power of collaboration. Together you will get further than alone! Each discipline has its own specialization and quality. We actively collaborate with dermatologists, plastic surgeons, general practitioners, nutritionists and beauticians.

Are you curious about what we can do for you? Request the free skin scan.