Happy Intim peel

Do you suffer from insecurities about the intimate area or armpits? Want to get rid of discolorations, scars or want smoother skin? Then the Happy Intim peel is for you.

The Happy intim peel is a true revolution in skin improvement for the genital area and armpits. By using a special exfoliator for the intimate area and armpits, you ensure a more even skin. Color differences are softened and texture is improved. This peel contains TCA and a numbing agent making it comfortable to undergo.

Happy Intim peel

What does the treatment provide?

rejuvenate skin

Lightens the skin of the intimate area, making color differences less noticeable.

rosacea nose

Hydration boost: One of the secrets of the Happy Intim Peel is the amazing hydration it provides. It helps your skin retain moisture, reducing dryness and making your intimate area feel wonderfully hydrated.


Improves overall skin condition and smoothes skin.

rejuvenate skin

Gives a boost to your collagen production, this will eventually increase the firmness of your skin.

rosacea nose

Scars become less visible.


Feel literally more comfortable in your skin, the Happy intimate is a boost to your self-confidence!


intake consultation

We always start with a personal and no-obligation intake. Here we ask a few questions to assess whether the Happy Intimate treatment is right for you. We establish a unique personalized treatment plan. We also give you appropriate product advice for at home. There is no charge for this no-obligation intake.

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How does the treatment work?

The Happy Intim Peel is the skin treatment that will boost your intimate health and appearance! With a special blend of ingredients, it exfoliates, hydrates and rejuvenates your skin so that you feel confident and radiant again. Before the treatment, the skin is first properly cleansed, marked off and then the peel is applied. If desired, we can use a fan. Afterwards, a post-treatment cream is applied….


I am super satisfied with my treatments with Manon. Manon is a skilled skin therapist and knows very well what is best for your skin. She explains well what to expect from the treatment and the result it will bring. In addition, she works with the latest techniques and newest lasers so the treatments are also the best you can get at the moment. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to be kind to her or his skin.

D. van Nispen

Your investment

Now in a special action cure of 2 treatments including home treatment with the lightening cream (twv 75 euro) for 399 euro! That’s only €162 per peel, converted.

A single treatment of the Happy Intim peel currently costs €249.
No reimbursement is available for these treatments.

You deserve to feel happy and radiant

What are you waiting for? Meet the Happy Intim Peel and experience for yourself the amazing results this treatment has to offer. You deserve to feel happy and radiant, inside and out!

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How does the Happy Intim treatment work?

The Happy Intim peel treatment is based on a TCA peel. Different ingredients are additionally used. They are carefully formulated to provide optimal results while being gentle on sensitive intimate skin.

Exfoliation: The Happy Intimate treatment gently exfoliates the skin. This means it gently removes dead skin cells, revealing fresh and renewed skin. This helps reduce discoloration, roughness and uneven texture.

Hydration: Hydration is essential for healthy skin. The Happy Intimate treatment provides intense hydration to intimate skin. It helps the skin retain moisture, reducing dryness and making your intimate area feel hydrated and comfortable.

Rejuvenation: The active ingredients in the Happy Intimate treatment stimulate cell renewal. This means it promotes the production of new skin cells, making your skin look more youthful and radiant. This also helps reduce signs of aging.

Soothing and recovery: The Happy Intimate treatment contains soothing ingredients that soothe the skin and aid in the recovery process after treatment. This minimizes any irritation and makes you feel comfortable during and after treatment.

Increased self-confidence: In addition to the physical benefits, the Happy Intimate treatment also has a positive impact on your self-confidence. By improving and caring for your intimate skin, you will feel more confident and radiate from the inside out.

Who performs the treatment?

At The Laser Clinic, you will always be helped by an experienced BIG registered skin therapist. We attend annual training and conferences to maintain our protected title. This can be found in the Paramedics Quality Register. Because of this, you know you are in safe hands.

Is the treatment painful?

No, the Happy Intim Peel is generally not painful. Clients may experience a slight tingling or warm sensation during treatment, but this is usually well tolerated. Our experienced skin therapists will ensure that the treatment is comfortable.

What does my skin look like after treatment?

At most, the skin may be a little redder after the treatment. After a few days, you notice a renewal of the skin.

What should I consider after the treatment?

Stay out of the sun: Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area for several days after the Happy Intim Peel. Sunlight can increase the sensitivity of your skin and slow down the healing process.

Moisturize: After treatment, it is important to keep your skin well hydrated. Use a mild moisturizer suitable for your intimate area to soothe and nourish your skin.

Avoid intense physical activity: Try to avoid strenuous physical activity for the first few days after treatment. This helps prevent any irritation or discomfort and promotes faster recovery.

Follow your skin therapist’s instructions: Our professional skin therapists will provide you with specific aftercare instructions tailored to your situation. It is important to follow these instructions carefully for optimal results and smooth healing.

Ask questions and keep communicating: Do you have any questions or concerns about anything after treatment? If so, do not hesitate to contact our team. We are always here to support and advise you throughout the process.

Is the Happy Intim treatment suitable for all skin types?

Yes, the Happy Intim peel can be used on all skin types.

Is the treatment safe?

Yes, absolutely the exfoliant has been extensively tested and meets all American and European requirements.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments required may vary depending on individual skin condition. We always recommend starting with two treatments.

What areas can be treated?

The genital area, buttock area and armpits. Note the mucous membranes are not treated.

When should I not be treated?

There are some contraindications such as: pregnancy, a herpes infection, doxycycline (antibiotics), an STD and poor wound healing. Always consult with your skin therapist about your health and medications. During the intake, any contraindications will be discussed.

When will I see results?

Most people notice a difference after about 6-8 weeks. To really get the full benefit, we recommend multiple sessions. We will work with you to create a customized treatment plan during the no-obligation intake.

How does the payment go?

By pin or exact cash during each treatment or when purchasing a discounted package at the start.

Is there any reimbursement available from the health insurance company?

No, these treatments are without medical indication and reimbursement.

How long does the Happy Intim treatment last?

A Happy Intim Peel treatment usually takes only 30-40 minutes. You have quick results without it taking up your entire day.

Do you want smoother skin with no color differences?

Happy Intim peel

Do you suffer from insecurities about the intimate area or armpits? Want to get rid of discolorations, scars or want smoother skin? Then the Happy Intim peel is for you.

The Happy intim peel is a true revolution in skin improvement for the genital area and armpits. By using a special exfoliator for the intimate area and armpits, you ensure a more even skin. Color differences are softened and texture is improved. This peel contains TCA and a numbing agent making it comfortable to undergo.

Happy Intim peel

What does the treatment provide?

rejuvenate skin

Lightens the skin of the intimate area, making color differences less noticeable.

rosacea nose

Hydration boost: One of the secrets of the Happy Intim Peel is the amazing hydration it provides. It helps your skin retain moisture, reducing dryness and making your intimate area feel wonderfully hydrated.


Improves overall skin condition and smoothes skin.


Gives a boost to your collagen production, this will eventually increase the firmness of your skin.

rejuvenate skin

Scars become less visible.

rosacea nose

Feel literally more comfortable in your skin, the Happy intimate is a boost to your self-confidence!

Free intake consultation

We always start with a personal and no-obligation intake. Here we ask a few questions to assess whether the Happy Intimate treatment is right for you. We establish a unique personalized treatment plan. We also give you appropriate product advice for at home. There is no charge for this no-obligation intake.

The Laser Clinic in Groningen

How does the treatment work?

The Happy Intim Peel is the skin treatment that will boost your intimate health and appearance! With a special blend of ingredients, it exfoliates, hydrates and rejuvenates your skin so that you feel confident and radiant again. Before the treatment, the skin is first properly cleansed, marked off and then the peel is applied. If desired, we can use a fan. Afterwards, a post-treatment cream is applied….

Your investment

Now in a special action cure of 2 treatments including home treatment with the lightening cream (twv 75 euro) for 399 euro! That’s only €162 per peel, converted.

A single treatment of the Happy Intim peel currently costs €249.
No reimbursement is available for these treatments.

You deserve to feel happy and radiant

What are you waiting for? Meet the Happy Intim Peel and experience for yourself the amazing results this treatment has to offer. You deserve to feel happy and radiant, inside and out!

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How does the Happy Intim treatment work?

The Happy Intim peel treatment is based on a TCA peel. Different ingredients are additionally used. They are carefully formulated to provide optimal results while being gentle on sensitive intimate skin.

Exfoliation: The Happy Intimate treatment gently exfoliates the skin. This means it gently removes dead skin cells, revealing fresh and renewed skin. This helps reduce discoloration, roughness and uneven texture.

Hydration: Hydration is essential for healthy skin. The Happy Intimate treatment provides intense hydration to intimate skin. It helps the skin retain moisture, reducing dryness and making your intimate area feel hydrated and comfortable.

Rejuvenation: The active ingredients in the Happy Intimate treatment stimulate cell renewal. This means it promotes the production of new skin cells, making your skin look more youthful and radiant. This also helps reduce signs of aging.

Soothing and recovery: The Happy Intimate treatment contains soothing ingredients that soothe the skin and aid in the recovery process after treatment. This minimizes any irritation and makes you feel comfortable during and after treatment.

Increased self-confidence: In addition to the physical benefits, the Happy Intimate treatment also has a positive impact on your self-confidence. By improving and caring for your intimate skin, you will feel more confident and radiate from the inside out.

Who performs the treatment?

At The Laser Clinic, you will always be helped by an experienced BIG registered skin therapist. We attend annual training and conferences to maintain our protected title. This can be found in the Paramedics Quality Register. Because of this, you know you are in safe hands.

Is the treatment painful?

No, the Happy Intim Peel is generally not painful. Clients may experience a slight tingling or warm sensation during treatment, but this is usually well tolerated. Our experienced skin therapists will ensure that the treatment is comfortable.

What does my skin look like after treatment?

At most, the skin may be a little redder after the treatment. After a few days, you notice a renewal of the skin.

What should I consider after the treatment?

Stay out of the sun: Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area for several days after the Happy Intim Peel. Sunlight can increase the sensitivity of your skin and slow down the healing process.

Moisturize: After treatment, it is important to keep your skin well hydrated. Use a mild moisturizer suitable for your intimate area to soothe and nourish your skin.

Avoid intense physical activity: Try to avoid strenuous physical activity for the first few days after treatment. This helps prevent any irritation or discomfort and promotes faster recovery.

Follow your skin therapist’s instructions: Our professional skin therapists will provide you with specific aftercare instructions tailored to your situation. It is important to follow these instructions carefully for optimal results and smooth healing.

Ask questions and keep communicating: Do you have any questions or concerns about anything after treatment? If so, do not hesitate to contact our team. We are always here to support and advise you throughout the process.

Is the Happy Intim treatment suitable for all skin types?

Yes, the Happy Intim peel can be used on all skin types.

Is the treatment safe?

Yes, absolutely the exfoliant has been extensively tested and meets all American and European requirements.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments required may vary depending on individual skin condition. We always recommend starting with two treatments.

What areas can be treated?

The genital area, buttock area and armpits. Note the mucous membranes are not treated.

When should I not be treated?

There are some contraindications such as: pregnancy, a herpes infection, doxycycline (antibiotics), an STD and poor wound healing. Always consult with your skin therapist about your health and medications. During the intake, any contraindications will be discussed.

When will I see results?

Most people notice a difference after about 6-8 weeks. To really get the full benefit, we recommend multiple sessions. We will work with you to create a customized treatment plan during the no-obligation intake.

How does the payment go?

By pin or exact cash during each treatment or when purchasing a discounted package at the start.

Is there any reimbursement available from the health insurance company?

No, these treatments are without medical indication and reimbursement.

How long does the Happy Intim treatment last?

A Happy Intim Peel treatment usually takes only 30-40 minutes. You have quick results without it taking up your entire day.


The Laser Clinic Groningen

I am super satisfied with my treatments with Manon. Manon is a skilled skin therapist and knows very well what is best for your skin. She explains well what to expect from the treatment and the result it will bring. In addition, she works with the latest techniques and newest lasers so the treatments are also the best you can get at the moment. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to be kind to her or his skin

D. van Nispen

Do you want smoother skin with no color differences?